An Interview with S.B, a student dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Some answers or names may have been changed to keep identity hidden.

I have interviewed someone from my school who has mental health issues that they would like me to share.

Have you ever been bullied? What is your story?

Yes, I have been bullied once. It was by a girl who at the time was very jealous of me for being friends with so many people and she wanted to stop it, so she started making up rumours up about me and began verbally and physically abusing me and it got to the point where it was all too much and I didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, my mum found out, contacted the school and we decided it would be easier for me to move schools. Ever since then, I haven’t had many problems.

2. Have you ever dealt with any problems regarding anxiety or depression with yourself or anyone you know?
I suffer from anxiety and I have been since around 2013, and it’s not as hard as anyone without it thinks. It holds you back from a lot of stuff and it can really get to you but I always remember that without it I wouldn’t be who I am today as I’ve been through situations with it that have built me as a person and have really helped me become who I am today.

Have you ever felt scared or anxious about something?

As I have anxiety yes and that’s the main trigger for it. It starts of as something small but then progresses into an anxiety attack or a panic attack, which starts to build up and get worse.

Do you have any advice for ‘coming out’ to your parents?

I haven’t been through it personally but I’ve had a lot of friends who have been through it and came to me when they didn’t know what to do. You have just got to remember that they’re your parents and they’ll love you no matter what. Be honest and tell them how you feel but must importantly don’t let them make you feel like what you feel is wrong because it’s not, and it’s absolutely okay to feel the way you do. If they don’t come around straight away remember it takes time but they will learn to love you.

What do you think is the best way to solve anxiety and depression?

You have to keep telling yourself it’s going to be okay. Trust me, I know it’s hard as I suffered from depression in 2015, but for both anxiety and depression you have to tell yourself it’s going everything will be fine and you’ve got to remember to get help from your parents or even Childline. Whether it’s family, friends, an adult at school, whatever, there will be someone for you. However my biggest tip is if you have trouble talking, write it down in a journal and you can even tell what’s causing it, just by looking at the text.

I really hope this interview can help you or anyone else dealing with stress or anxiety, so thank you for reading.

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